In the Fall of 2003, Jimmy P, an avid music fan and guitarist, was pressing forward with his life-long dream of forming a band and recording his music. He was struggling to come up with a great name for his band, when he realized it was staring him right in the face. RCKNRL had been his license plate for the past year.

Jimmy asked his musician friends if they wanted to join him but, unfortunately, they had other things going on. Disappointed but determined, Jimmy placed ads in the Boston and Providence Phoenix newspapers seeking a Bassist and Drummer. He ran the ads for eight months in 2004 with little success. A number of calls were received, but the right musicians were not found.

After a number of meeting no-shows, Jimmy decided to go it alone for now, playing acoustically. On December 30, 2004, RCKNRLL played its first gig at an open mic at the Kiskadee Coffee Company in Plymouth, MA. Though it consisted of only two songs, Jimmy feels that it was the start of something special.

Jimmy plans on recording his songs over the next few months and then going on an open mic tour. Stay tuned.

Click on the following button for a list of important dates in RCKNRLL history.


© 2005 RCKNRLL. All rights reserved.
RCKNRLL and the RCKNRLL Logo are registered service marks of James R. Parmenter.